Are You Prepared for Winter Storms?

September 7, 2016

12:00 am



When storms dominate the forecast, there are a few simple steps every family should take. Stocking up on non-perishables and minimizing outdoor travel seem like no-brainers, but beyond finding a matched set of mittens, many families forget some of the other simple steps required to keep safe and warm.

  1. Run the water regularly– Your plumbing system is critical during a winter storm and frozen pipes can lead to expensive home repairs. Opening the faucet, even just a drip, provides relief from the excessive pressure that comes with ice blockage and can prevent a burst pipe.
  2. Don’t forget about the pooch– Non-perishable food items and extra water (a gallon per day per person) for people should be automatic when preparing for an upcoming storm, but don’t forget about those furry friends. Have extra pet food and meds on hand.
  3. Take a good look at your windows– Especially on windy days, check for air leaks and make upgrades if necessary. This can be as simple as insulating with plastic for extra heat protection or installing storm windows for an extra layer of home protection.
  4. Install a backup generator– When the power goes out, an automatic backup generator makes sure the lights and heat stay on. It immediately turns on when your power goes out and maintains a sense of normalcy when all else fails.
  5. Reverse your ceiling fan– Not just for summer anymore, reversing the direction of your ceiling fan pushes warm air downward. If your fan turns clockwise, you’ll stay more comfortable during cold winter months.
  6. Winterize your sprinkler system– At the end of the fall, winterize your sprinkler system by turning off the water supply and ridding the pipes of excess water by blowing compressed air through the sprinkler lines.
  7. Insulate the attic– Reduce the risk for ice dams, which occur when snow on your roof melts and then freezes near the roof’s edge, by reducing the amount of heat escaping from your roof. The best way to eliminate the risk is to make sure your roof and insulation are in good shape.


It’s not just how you choose to prepare – it’s when you choose to prepare. The best time to prepare is now and having a plan to follow will ensure your family remains safe and your home remains stable.


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The above information has been taken from Generac website